About Akshar Nursery School
A Playschool is one where children have ample space to play. With this in mind Mrs. Ritu Singh (M.A. Ohio University USA) founded AKSHAR NURSERY SCHOOL ten years ago.
The infra of the school is such that learning is not imposed but is self – initiated. Akshar has an excellent Nursery Training Faculty. The teachers are experienced and sensitive to child’s need. They channelize the child’s energy into creative slots and employ innovative method to facilitate the learning process through natural as well as computerized education system.

The school curriculum is designed in a way that it combines the best of Montessori and Play Way method of teaching. Adapting the Montessori Method freedom of choice is encouraged and emphasis is laid on the physical, emotional, social and intellectual development of child’s personality. Activities like segregation of objects, building blocks, Pink Tower, Beads and Strings are all used as tools to enhance child’s Motor Skills.
Following Play and Learn Technique, concepts of Colours, Fruits, Vegetables, Birds and Animals are introduced through rhymes, Puppet Show, Dramatization, Story telling, Pony Ride etc. Books are used as one of the teaching aids but certainly not the only one.
Tapping the child’s outstanding ability to absorb from the environment the ground and classes are so designed that the children always find themselves surrounded by enriching environment, which gives them the personalized tender care that stimulates the nascent mind to explore, understand, learn and appreciate the finer aspects of life.
An ‘Akshar Kid’ can wave to the aeroplane passing overhead while lying on the carpet of green grass, build his dream castle in the large sandpit under the shade of Jamun Tree and savour fresh bananas and orange, plucking them straight from the trees in the garden.
Surrounded by Colourful Swings, Merry Go Round, Rabbit Hutch, Ball Pool, Sand Pit, Aquarium and Bus that really bounces, children find learning all the more fun at AKSHAR.
Meet our Principal
Mrs. Ritu Singh M Phil. B.ED. Principal, is a graduate from the university of Ohio-USA. She has an experience of over two decades in the field of education.